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Authentic Self Hypnotherapy (ASh) 

What is Authentic Self Hypnotherapy?

Charmian uses hypnosis to guide you to connect with your Higher Self. She uses a combination of Past Life Regression and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy which can include life between lives connection.

You can ask Who Am I? Why am I here? Why do I have this illness? Why is this person in my life?

We then download the energy of that Eternal  Self which is whole, complete, and perfect into the physical body.  We use the energy of the Divine Self to remove old programs and any limiting self-beliefs that hold us in separation. Your Higher Self knows everything about your past, present, and future so you can receive information to help you to make life choices.

We can look at soul contracts with people in our life. If you have health issues we look at the original cause and then use the Soul Self energy to release them. If you are feeling bored and stuck in your job we can look at how you can move on.


These sessions give you a roadmap of where you came from, where are you going, and what is blocking you.

Hypnosis is completely safe. You are aware and in control of your session at all times. The session is recorded and you will receive the recording to continue integrating the experience.


In each session we travel to the future to see what the client is doing to fulfill their soul's purpose then we ask that future self what are the steps to getting to that place. This brings a powerful understanding of one's purpose in life and how to get there.

Two hour session:  $250.00

Special limited time offer $200 with $50 discount


Can be done online or in-person in Los Angeles. Send an email using the button below and we will make a time. Tell me which time zone you are in.


Maggie felt the power of her Soul during her session which she said was more profound than anything she had previously done

Emma had believed herself to be unwanted as a child but during her ASH hypnotherapy session she realized this wasn't the case at all .Her parents were just busy earning money to support the family but she was very much loved and wanted. This changed all of her beliefs about her own worth.

Patsy describes the dramatic transformation of her life after a session of Authentic Self Hypnosis. Her work situation and her relationship were transformed when she claimed her power as her Authentic Self

Tanya Felt so strongly connected with her Soul that she was confident that her future would be guided by her own Higher Light. She felt she had come home to herself and has nothing to worry about.

Kathy was able to release some childhood issues related to  a past life belief she has been carrying with her from life to life. She was able to see how to move forward as an expression of her Authentic Self rather than her wounded Self.

This client had a very clear connection to her Soul and received information about how she is getting in her own way, the changes  she needs to make in order to have a more peaceful and fulfilled life

Senada reconnected with her angelic aspect and returned to Oneness. Her heart opened and she realized that all the love she needs is within.  She then returned to her lifetime with Jesus and Mother Mary.

Carina  experienced herself as pure Soul in her Talking to your Soul hypnotherapy session. She remembers the joy she felt just being in the Oneness with no Purpose, just Being. She felt light, joy, expansion.

Mary Experiences the joy of connecting to her soul essence and releasing the blocks which were keeping her separate from her Divine Essence.

This client remembered a past life where she was controlled by her husband.This left her with a program that in order to survive she must be subservient and take care of others before herself. We released the block and her Soul told her that she now needs to take care of herself and receive the abundance that she deserves

Testimonial Brandon I want to thank you

Alex was struck by how happy her soul is and what a powerful group of Mentors and soul guides she has. Click on image

In this testimonial the client explains how light she felt and her powerful connection with Master Jesus

This was what this client experienced during her first Authentic Self Hypnosis session She had a completely different outlook on her life, breaking free from "duty" into Joy


videos of actual sessions with clients

This client remembers a vow made in a past life that in future lives he would take on the suffering of those around him so that they would not have to feel pain. In this lifetime he was constantly giving away his power and letting others control him because of the vow and low self-esteem.


He meets Master Jesus in the afterlife who tells him that self-sacrifice is unnecessary because he is here to live his joy not to suffer. So he is released from the vow and his life has changed completely since then, he has taken back his power and is no longer a victim.


"I heard from his friend that six months later I would not recognize this client. He taken his power back, his relationship was transformed and he had gained so much self-confidence."

In this session Kevin experiences himself floating in the void, in nothingness. He realizes that everything he thinks of as real is in fact an illusion. We have been given the opportunity by the All That Is to experience ourselves as infinite possibility. Through our explorations into form, the void comes out of sleep and into awareness of itself. We are the void knowing itself through it's creations.

In this past life regression we begin with the client meeting the higher aspect of her heart. She travels back to Ancient Lemuria where she lived in harmony and peace, fully connected. She next travels to the Pleiades and receives valuable information about this time of transformation on the Earth. She also connects with a whale she encountered in Hawaii and discovers how the whales are helping us at this time.

This client reconnected to her origins on Venus and released a memory from that experience where she felt she had failed on one of her missions to educate grey reptilian beings on another planet. This memory has prevented her in this life from living the joy which it is her mission as a Venusian to bring to the Earth. She travels to the future to see how her life will unfold now that the block has been cleared.

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