Here is a beautiful meditation channeled from the Karmic Board of Ascended Masters to release yourself from all Karmic debts, contracts and agreements from your past. You can set yourself free to create your won reality through conscious co-creation with your 5D Christed Self.
As we accelerate through the time continuum out of linear time we no longer have to suffer through all of those karmic incompletions that we carry from past lives.We have a reset opportunity to release all karma now, past present and future, to live in the moment creating a new reality of Heaven on Earth.
Good news you don’t need to kiss any more frogs!!
You can dream in your cosmic counterpart.

Charmian has a discount offer for her sessions to help you to make those connections to the Soul and to find your way forward . $150 for 2 hour sessions until june 30th normally $200 For details see