Accelerated Ascension Class
Live tele-class via zoom
with Charmian Redwood
This is a series of 6 classes lasting 2 hours each
In these remarkable times we have unique opportunity to ascend with the Earth. This coronavirus has brought our attention to what us really important in our lives.
The Earth is being lifted into light and we have the choice to ascend with Her or to be left behind.
This class will help to prepare you to make that Ascension. This is an unprecedented opportunity to reclaim and reconnect with your Authentic Self and begin to live your truth.
Now as never before we need to be raising our frequency to travel with Mother Earth into the Ascension
DNA Lightbody Activations
Clearing old programs
Healing the Inner Child
Reclaiming your wounded aspects
Connecting with your Higher Self
Stepping into sovereignty
Thursdays May 7th – June 11th
(6 classes)
4-6pm PST 7-9 pm EST
11am-1pm next day (Friday)
May 8th Sydney Australia
Mondays May 4 th – June 15th 2020
10am-12pm PST, 1-3pm EST,
6-8pm UK, 7-9pm Europe, 8-10pm S Africa
The class is offered at 2 different times for other time zones choose whichever works best for you.
It is the same class.
Love Exchange Before April 30th $333 Early bird discount After May 1st $400 Payment plan possible
E mail To reserve your placeFor complete info on Charmian’s Hypnotherapy for the Soul sessions and online classes see Discounts available on sessions and classes until April 30th
